Of the wedding season that is, not the world! And what a season it has been. But I will only whet your appetites for now with a few tales from the start of the season, as there are two whole months left before the wedding season officially quietens down and still plenty of ceremonies left to conduct!
So far this season, I’ve had my feet and ankles and the trousers covering them soaked through after a wave decided to make an appearance at Erin and Paul’s wonderful vow renewal ceremony on the beach in Mazagon. It really added to the humour of the ceremony overall.

At one wedding, my new hair extensions prompted a few guests to ask if I was the wedding singer, rather than the celebrant, so as nice and Beyoncé-looking as they are, I think I’ll be taking them out shortly. And I am still feeling triumphant that my specially procured glass cylinder allowed a candle ceremony to successfully take place at La Fuente del Sol, a very rural boutique hotel with a gentle country breeze, which has the potential of not letting candle ceremonies work there.
In the last few months, I have married couples in converted olive mills, far-flung Spanish beaches, luxurious villas and elegant courtyards and I am so thankful that not only am I invited to play a part in each couples’ special day but that I get to see these amazing locations.

As usual I have also been inspired by all of the couples I have married this year. Every time I hear a set of beautifully written vows that make my eyes water and put a lump in my throat, I think nothing can top it and then I read another and then another… Even couples who don’t consider themselves as romantics, who hate what they feel are cheesy lines or feel incapable of writing their own vows, still end up producing heartfelt vows that aptly reflect them and their personalities.
In the coming months I have a beautiful ceremony at El Molino del Conde to look forward to, with a lovely couple who are coming in all the way from Australia with their friends and family. A big 100+ wedding in Rincon de la Victoria, with a groom called Eoghan pronounced Owen, whose name fills me with dread that I will say E-o-gon, but I promise I have been practising. And an international affair towards the end of September with the couple flying in from Hong Kong, where they live, and guests coming from Australia, Singapore, Canada, USA, France and South Africa, as well as the UK.
Until then, folks!